Hull Bach Choir

Join the Bach Choir!

Middleton Hall

After years of decline, choirs are becoming cool, said the Times recently. There are now more than 25,000 registered in Britain. "The only thing better than singing is more singing," said Ella Fitzgerald, quoted in the Guardian. "He who sings frightens away his ills," said Cervantes. Even John Harvey Kellogg - Mr Cornflakes himself - had this to add in 1931: "Singing promotes health, breathing, circulation and digestion."

Hull Bach Choir welcomes new voices in every department. We rehearse every Monday evening 7.30-9.30 in the church of St Mary the Virgin, Hallgate, Cottingham HU16 4DD.

The Choir is a friendly and sociable group. Most of them would agree with Mr Kellog that singing is a healthy activity. They also find it joyful, uplifting and often, simply, just good fun.

For more information contact our secretary.

Suzanne Brown